Thursday, August 4, 2011

this train is stopped - well barely moving

Ok, so I have been on a dieting roller coaster the past week! With a very fun weekend ahead of me with the MOPS retreat and then a suprise anniversary party for Mom & Fred, I really had no desire to be strict with my diet. I have been on this diet before and had things come up that I could just get through and be fine (taking the kids to McDonalds, family bbq, etc.) However, with so many things all in one weekend I decided I was going to cheat. I did continue taking the drops. I enjoyed what I wanted to eat but I wouldn't say I went crazy. I did indulge in a few birthday cake pops from starbucks before I went back on my diet because, well, those are my favorite and the thing I was craving the most. Anyway, I got through the weekend and started back on the VLCD Monday. I couldnt do it, come 3pm I was starving and wanted to cheat and I did. I cheated a lot! I talked myself down and told myself it was ok, just start over again Tuesday - guess what? The 3pm hunger happened again and I couldn't get past it. SO - today, I was going to stick to it. I have still taken my drops and finally have all the food and tools I need in the house to do the diet the right way and I did it! I have not cheated today and even took the kids to Mcd's! I am very proud of myself. We are going camping next Friday the 12th which is partly why I continued to cheat the past few days. I was listening to a voice in my head saying "you only have a week and you will cheat again" BUT today I told that voice to be quiet! Yes, I only have 8 days until we go camping BUT that doesn't mean I HAVE to cheat. I might cheat, who knows. But, 8 days is a lot and I can be down another 7lbs or so by then! I need to keep reminding myself of my goal which is to be 195 by 8/24. I can do it! I just need a reminder and to keep the goal in the front of my mind. I hope to be down to 190 or less by my birthday 9/5. There, now that I have written my goals down I hope it will be easier to make it happen! Here's to keeping in the MOMENT and not looking too far ahead at pitfalls. Only I can make my destiny.